14th of August a historical day

 14th of August a historical day

Assalam-o-alaikum and have a very good day for all of us!

Today, we are here to celebrate a remarkable occasion in our nation's history- the 77th independent day of Pakistan.

On this day in1947,my and your motherland came into excistance and our ancestors achieved their dream of a separate homelamd for the muslim. We pay tribute to the vision of the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah,Allah Iqbal and all those who sacrificed for the freedom.

Let us remember for the struggle and hardships faced by our forefathers,who left their homes and migrated to this land with hope and determination.Their courage and resillience paved the way for our prosperity and progress.

As pakistani, we are the future of Pakistan.Let us vow to work together to build a brighter future,freedom from corruption,poverty, and injustice.Let us strive for excellence in education,innovation and character.

We must also recongnise the secrifice of our armed forced,who have defended our nation with valor and bravery.

Let us celebrate this day with pride,a passion of patriotism, and a renewed commitment to our country's values,sovereinty,integrity and honour.

Live long Pakistan!

Happy Independent Day!
